Soft curved pebble shaped organic lounger chair.Dangerously comfortable!
Dimensions : 34" dia, 32" ht
Materials Used : Cane frame, woven with textile waste rope and rattan
Finish : Stainproofed-3m Scotch guard treated, Melamine polish on rattan and base.
Country of Origin - India
ABOUT the retyrement plan
Outer Contents:
Frame made of Old rubber tyre- scooter, car, bus, truck and every other well traveled wheel!
Twine- garment industry cast offs, plastic wrappers etc etc
Additional frame work- old wood, bamboo,cane..
Inner Contents:
Connecting the dots to make a new product from old stuff and making it so that our hearts can be a little lighter and brighter as we look out into our lives.
As this conscious and funky product is being created, a variety of people connect and benefit across vast social and cultural divides. They contribute towards an idea which is all the rich...
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