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Sun Hand Embroidered Neckpiece 1,699.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING: 0.00 DISCOUNT: 0.00 TIME TO DISPATCH: 3-5days AVAILABLE ITEMS: 10 DELIVERY METHOD: Courier




Material : Cotton fabric, Japanese beads, cotton thread
Size : Adjustable
Sun Hand Embroidered Neckpiece by Gonecase is one such item that every fashionista must have. Just like the warmth of the sun, this hand embroidered necklace also radiates firmness, power, strength, positivity, confidence, and more when you wear it. The item has a cotton fabric containing Japanese beads and adjustable cotton thread. You can try it on any traditional wear or any dress of your choice.

Country of Origin - India

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	 								With digital mediums we play with traditional methods to create artisan pieces . A wide range of unique hand crafted  products , accessories to accentuate your style .
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