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Raj Maji
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Raj Maji



I am an artist to experience the joy and blissfulness of beauty in every element and share that to the entire world. I can’t give a proper definition of art for its vastness and freeness but art is a catharsis for human mind. I always try to keep myself alive in my world and try to let people have at least a little bliss experiencing the artworks, may be for a fraction of second.

I tried to express my emotions towards life and truth through my paintings and experimented to depict it through the language of art. I observe everything around me and try to portray what appeals me with loosely used brushstrokes. I love to use watercolor, oil and acrylic but sometimes work with pigments and other materials.

Some of my works basically deal with Indian aesthetics which is evident from the economy of lines used and simplicity of expression. Sometime the paintings display a subtle understanding of spiritualism and offer a bridge between realism and abstraction (rational and irrational world / tangible and the intangible world). I emphasize on Indian principles making extensive use of Indian motifs. What I try to express is ‘Navarasa’, the nine expressions.