World Art Community

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Alifia Shabbir
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Alifia Shabbir



Shireen Shabbir [Cofounder and the Final Word]

Shireen has vast experience in the field of art spanning over two decades. Right from teaching every conceivable type of painting to creating her own brand of art which were snapped by individuals and by leading clubs and resorts. A multitasker and the driving force, she has the uncanny knack of being the best at everything she does.

Alifia Shabbir [Cofounder and Principal Designer]

With a background in interior design, a keen aesthetic sense, and an eye for good design, Alifia is the principal designer and finder of cool stuff. She loves heavy metal (no no, not that kind, but iron and stainless steel :) Give her a bare space and she will give you at least a dozen ideas on how to beautify it.