Rupali Paranjape
Rupali Paranjape
Rupali is a Science graduate with Masters’ (Computers) from New Delhi. She, however, had this artist hidden somewhere inside her, which has blossomed over the years. Thereby, transforming her liking into a professional artist and is now actively participating in being an integral part of the artist world. Though, her forte lies in oil painting, she is also developing interests in other mediums, as she believes in giving art a meaning and not its theory. She is introverted , but expresses her thoughts with immense ease once she is armed with a brush, a palette in front of a Canvas.
Rupali has managed her personal and her creative life very efficiently and believes in the language of art. She is able to communicate a number of interpretations of her work, each being more impressive than the other.
May ’14 at CyberHub, Gurgaon as part of a Mothers’ Day Celebration.
March ‘14 at Epicentre, Gurgaon on the occasion of Women’s Day.
August ’14 at Epicentre, Gurgaon “Shades of Natureâ€
August ’14 at Epicentre , Gurgaon “The future mastersâ€