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Kunjan Mendake
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Kunjan Mendake



I am a nomad and until my feet grow roots that pin me to this earth I will continue to move on from people, places, and beings carrying bits and pieces of their soul within the mine and leaving my pieces with them. My solitude transforms with every bit that travels through it. I am stupid, foolish and senseless. I lose control despite its price, because I have savored the infinity that begins in the outskirts of structure. Someday, my solitude and I will hack into the infinity for good, until then I am cursed to live in the edges of absurdity, perhaps because the leash of logic still finds its way into my skin. As I rise and spread into the realm of absurdity meaning pulls me down. Why absurdity? Why meaning? My art, like my life, is an experiment with the absurd. I will be damned if my art acknowledges sense and purpose by trying to defy it. -Kunjan Mendake